This film came to my mind when I found this post on the web. And when recently my two younger children were ill with smallpox and we had to be a long time at home, we tried it.
pondělí 8. srpna 2011
Příšerky, s.r.o. / Monsters, Inc.
Tento dětský film mi přišel na mysl, když jsem na netu narazila na návod na výrobu příšerek z toaleťáku :-) A když mi nedávno dvě mladší děti onemocněly s neštovicemi a musely být dlouho doma, pustili jsme se do výroby. Postup najdete tady
This film came to my mind when I found this post on the web. And when recently my two younger children were ill with smallpox and we had to be a long time at home, we tried it.
This film came to my mind when I found this post on the web. And when recently my two younger children were ill with smallpox and we had to be a long time at home, we tried it.
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